Welcome to St John’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School.
We are situated in the beautiful village of Danbury with many wonderful areas to explore and support our learning right on our doorstep.
At St. John’s, every child is valued and respected as an individual. We recognise and celebrate all contributions from children, parents and the wider community and we share the varied skills and experience of everyone around us.
Together we provide a rich, varied and broad curriculum through an exciting range of learning experiences. Every child has the right to feel safe, be happy and enjoy their learning. We pride ourselves on being inclusive to all and enabling our children to develop to their full potential; we equip them for the future and the challenges they may face.
We have high expectations at St. John’s in everything we do and in the way we behave. We nurture the whole child and every child, we learn how to work and play together and support each other in many ways.
We would encourage you to come and visit us to explore for yourself, our happy and motivated Church school.
Mr Jona Davies