Wednesday 29th January Daily Total - £2,280
At the end of every school day we will be updating the total from our Crowdfunder page.
Swimming Pool Refurbishment
Over the Christmas period the swimming pool works were completed and consequently will safeguard our pool for at least the next 15 years.
The new system comprises of two high efficiency air source heat pump systems, one to heat the pool water and a second to heat and condition the air within the pool building.
The new system will reduce the yearly CO2 emissions from 28Tonnes to 4.5Tonnes a massive 84% reduction. The new system will also allow the school to utilise more of the electricity it generates from its solar panels. The UK electricity production system is targeting to achieve zero CO2 by 2030 by which point the pool CO2 emissions will be zero.
As you can imagine these works came at a considerable cost to the school with a total spend of £51,200.
We have managed to cover the initial outlay however we are looking at various funding initiatives within the school to recuperate some of these costs. As a result, we have set up a Crowdfunder page and are asking you to share this link with everyone you know on the off chance they would like to donate something towards our pool.
Please follow this link -
The pool is leased to private swim schools every evening and roughly 450 local children learn to swim in the school every week. Consequently, we will be approaching local businesses as well as applying for National Lottery and Sport England grants.
Please keep an eye out for the Instagram post that will be sent later tonight about the project and pictures of the works that have been carried out. Please share this to your friends and family.
Below we will be posting information of our next fundraising event.
Thank you for your continued support.
Next Fundraising Event
Please watch this space for our next fundraising event. More information will be shared soon.