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School Lunches

We are fortunate to have a school kitchen on site, staffed by Mrs Walls, Mrs Pallash, Mrs Cornell, Ms Line and Mrs Rushbrook.


We serve hot, nutritious and tasty meals, following all government guidelines on nutritional standards. We usually serve three choices per day which include a main, a vegetarian option or a jacket potato, along with the option of baguettes and different fillings. 

In September 2014 a universal scheme offering all infant age children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) free school meals was introduced by the Government. 

We will also ask you to complete a Pupil Premium form to enable us to confirm whether the school is entitled to claim Pupil Premium for your child. This is money the school can benefit from and use to fund new equipment or maybe more teaching staff.

If your child is in years 3-6 and you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please apply online at or apply over the telephone or request an application form by calling 0845 603 2200. 

It is important that orders are placed by 10pm on Sunday night, this allows are kitchen staff to ensure we are ordering the food quantities correctly. We provide a three week menu cycle, we will also be advertising Theme Days from time to time, so watch out for more information in our Newsletter.


Our current menus are shown below. Currently meals cost £2.40 per day, payable in advance via ParentPay. 

If you have any queries regarding school meals, please speak to our office staff.

Week 1                                                                  Week 2                                                            Week 3


- 9th September 2024                                             - 16th September 2024                                   - 2nd September 2024

- 30th September 2024                                           - 7th October 2024                                        - 23rd September 2024

- 21st October 2024                                                                                                                      - 14th October 2024

Week 1                                                                  Week 2                                                            Week 3


- 4th November 2024                                            - 11th November 2024                                    - 18th November 2024

- 25th November 2024                                          - 2nd December 2024                                     - 9th December 2024

- 16th December 2025                                          - 6th January 2024                                         - 13th January 2025

-20th January 2025                                               - 27th January 2025                                       - 3rd February 2025

-10th February 2025                                              - 24th February 2025                                      - 3rd March 2025

- 10th March 2025                                                - 17th March 2025                                          - 24th March 2025

- 31st March 2025
